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Home Loans: Why One Size Does Not Fit All
Author: Belinda Mangani
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Home Loans: Why One Size Does Not Fit All

Buying your first home? Unsure which home loan is best for you? Previous home loan refused?
Financial author and professional mortgage broker Belinda Mangani has helped thousands of home buyers find the right loan – now it’s your turn. Let Belinda Mangani steer you through the head-spinning jargon, demystify the purchase options, help you secure your best home loan and identify the right time to do it.
As the title suggests, finding your perfect home loan can be difficult, at times fraught and certainly enough to put you off ever buying a house. What’s right for your family and friends may not be right for you. Which is why, as a professional mortgage broker, Belinda Mangani’s advice is incontestable. She knows the questions you need to ask and why you need to ask them.
Her honest and thoughtful approach to securing home loans means that home buyers can avoid loan refusals and a tattered credit rating and instead, focus on proving their security and what they can afford.
The key to Mangani’s home loan success? Her S Formula; developed over her years as a mortgage broker. This formula takes into account five S words: Serviceability, Security, Suitability, Spending and Savings. Applying these five S’s to their situation, a reader can choose a home loan that ‘fits.’
From her personal experience, and that of the thousands of home buyers she has helped, Mangani knows that the right home loan gives the borrower flexibility to pay off extra ‘here’ and a little less ‘there’ – without stress or worries. She knows that finding the right lender to provide you with the right home loan is at the forefront of a borrower’s mind. Mangani weighs up the pros and cons of mortgage brokers versus banks, land sales versus house purchases and auctions versus private house sales.
In this day and age, potential homeowners need the facts up front. Mangani avoids glossing over the risks, the stats or shirking from the huge commitment that a home loans incurs. In fact, she is keen to get all her readers to plan and map out their 30-year loan term (and that includes you, the reader shaking their head saying that they’ll pay their loan back in 10 years!)
Home Loans – One Size Does Not Fit All offers potential home buyers the opportunity for a one-to-one session with a professional mortgage broker. Read it in peace, at your own pace and then go get that home loan!
Belinda Mangani
In March 2004 with three children aged under 5 Belinda’s passion was ignited when she became an Accredited Mortgage Broker. Her vision was to help eliminate mortgage stress and frustration arising from what she believed to be a lack of understanding and loan management skills and hence her company name “Building Blocks for the Future” was borne, representing perfectly what she wanted to create for her clients “a stable money foundation”
Although Belinda holds both a Cert IV and Diploma in Mortgage Broking she firmly believes that it is her own personal money goals and self taught loan management skills and expertise that she shares here with you today that allowed her and her husband to realise their own dreams of reducing and eliminating their home loan in under 4 years proving that earning only modest incomes anything is possible armed with the right skills.
Perfectly suited to both First Home Buyers and existing mortgage holders alike this book is designed not to make Lender or interest rate recommendations but rather to guide and assist you through the mine fields of advertising and help you in choosing the right type of home loan specifically for your individual needs.