The Unlikely Olympian

The Unlikely Olympian
Step into Your Fears To Achieve Your Dream
Author: Danielle Kettlewell
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The Unlikely Olympian
Step into Your Fears To Achieve Your Dream
Danielle Kettlewell wasn’t an Olympian, or so she thought. There was a huge barrier that stood in the way of her competing for Australia in the world’s largest sporting event, and it wasn’t her fitness, ability or money: it was Danielle Kettlewell.
In her book, ‘The Unlikely Olympian’ Danielle reveals how the little voice inside her head whispering ‘what if…’ was her savior, the two-letter catalyst that pushed her to go through the process of trialing for the Games. While for many the dedication and commitment to training would take its toll, Danielle also had to juggle her inner emotions. Self-doubt, a lack of confidence and fear were her enemies but, as she grew physically stronger through training and exercise, she also developed mental processes that challenged her thought patterns and self-doubts. Dreams became a possibility…
Prepare as Danielle takes you on her journey through her emotions and thought patterns that may (or may not) lead her to Rio 2016. Prepare not to be a bystander; come on the journey for your own good. Along the way, you will learn how to acknowledge, how to address and how to change your mindset for the better. While competing at the Olympic Games might not be your challenge, Danielle’s experience and learning tools apply to all.
The Unlikely Olympian will show you…
- How the key to change is to accept that something needs to happen. Danielle opens about her fears and feelings in a way that allows the reader to do the same. If something is holding you back from achieving your dreams, now is the time to do something about it.
- How to acknowledge and re-address your Limiting Self Beliefs (LSB). By recognising the thought patterns that hold us back in life, you will notice them, pick them apart and, ultimately, move forwards.
- How to reach out for help. While many self-help books focus on doing all the hard work alone, Danielle encourages you to seek advice and inspiration from outside sources. In combination with your inner-beliefs and guidance, the two form a powerhouse that helps you to achieve your goals and vanquish self-doubts.
- How to ignite your passions so that you are on a journey you enjoy. If there’s something you love to do – now’s the time.
- How to recognise your gifts and your abilities – they are there, realise them.
- How to use setbacks and challenges as opportunities for growth and resilience.
- How to get your mojo back – essential reading if you’ve been stagnating.
- How to face fear and work through it. A challenge isn’t a genuine challenge if you don’t meet some adversity along the way!
- How to become self-aware – and how to learn from your new found awareness.
- How to be present and grateful – training your mindset to one of thankfulness.
Only you truly know if you are held back by limited self-doubts, fear and a lack of confidence. If you see the words and like the way they sound, only you can imagine what it might feel like to experience them, to internalise them and let them play out in your life.
In the words of Danielle Kettlewell, “We are who we believe that we are – so make sure the belief is in alignment with your soul’s desire to be who you KNOW you CAN be.”